Sunday, April 25, 2010

New website -

A nicely designed website, deaf teens is a new blog where you can share and read stories about hearing impairment, hearing aids, cochlear implants, etc. It provides an opportunity for people to connect with one another through blogging and even chat. There's also a doctor's and parent's corner for commenting.

How the website came to be is an inspirational story of its own. According to the blog Hearing Sparks, David, a teenager with bilateral cochlear implants set out to build a website for an Eagle Scout project. He chronicled the  process on his website: David's Eagle Scout Project. Share your story by emailing him at 

Here is one particular touching story from the website: “My Story” By JoEllen R., age 18

via Hearing Sparks


Maximillian said...
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Conrad said...
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Elvin said...

Thanks for the post, pretty helpful data.
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